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Report Bullying
Report Bullying
Bully Reporting Form
Note: Fields marked with an * are required.
Suwannee County Schools Bully Reporting System
Bullying is the mistreatment of an individual or group characterized by a willful intent to cause harm and a perceived advantage in power. These acts can be socially, emotionally, or physically damaging in nature and include, but are not limited to, teasing, name calling, rumor spreading, exclusion, intimidation, threats, damaging personal property, stealing, public humiliation, stalking, pushing, shoving, or other physical attacks.
Harassment involves any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing act or gesture which places an individual in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, has the effect of substantially interfering with an individual's educational performance, opportunities, or benefits, or has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of a school or activity.
Bullying or harassment of any individual is prohibited:
1. During any education program or activity conducted by a district school;
2. During any school-related or school-sponsored program/activity or on a school district bus;
3. Through the use of computers or other electronic devices which is initiated or accessed by any school district data system; or
4. Through the use of any off-campus data system which disrupts the academic environment of any district school or activity.
Bullying will not be tolerated in Suwannee County Schools
Click Here to View the Suwannee County School Board Policy Prohibiting Bullying and Harassment
Reports can be made anonymously.
It is important that our students have a safe learning environment and therefore there are several methods for reporting suspected bullying incidents:
* You can contact a school by phone and report it to school personnel
* You can make a report in writing to school personnel
* You can make a report in person
* You can submit an Online Bullying Report by choosing your school from the drop box below.
Select School
Branford Elementary School
Branford High School
Suwannee Riverside Elementary School
Suwannee Pineview Elementary School
Suwannee Springcrest Elementary School
Suwannee Middle School
Suwannee High School
Suwannee Opportunity School
Suwannee Virtual School
RIVEROAK Technical College
Name of Victim (optional)
Grade of Victim (optional)
Date(s) Bullying Occurred
Name of Offender(s)
Age of Offender(s)
Grade of Offender(s)
Describe the Bullying
Is the Offender a Student?
What school does the offender(s) attend?
Branford Elementary School
Branford High School
Suwannee Riverside Elementary School
Suwannee Pineview Elementary School
Suwannee Springcrest Elementary School
Suwannee Middle School
Suwannee High School
Suwannee Opportunity School
Suwannee Virtual School
RIVEROAK Technical College
Where did the incident(s) happen?
On school property
On school bus
At school-related activity or sponsored event (off school property)
On the way to/from school
At bus stop
On computer
Which statement(s) best describe what happened?
Social exclusion
Physical violence
Public humiliation
Cyber bullying
What did the alleged offender(s) say or do?
Did physical injury result from this incident?
Yes, but did not require medical attention
Yes, and it required medical attention
Was the student absent from school as a result of this incident?
If yes, then how many days?
Is there any additional information you would like to provide? (Optional)
Name of person reporting incident (optional):
Telephone Number (optional):
Email Address (optional):
Which Best Describes You? (Optional)
Close Adult Relative
Human Validation