Title I, Part A
Improving The Academic Achievement Of The Disadvantaged
Title I, Part A, provides Suwannee County School District resources that help children gain a high-quality education and the skills to master the Florida Standards. Title I provides additional resources to schools with economically disadvantaged students. These resources provide additional teachers, professional development, extra time for teaching, parent involvement activities, and other activities designed to raise student achievement. Two models are used in Title I schools to provide these services – schoolwide reform and targeted assistance.
Suwannee County School District is designated as Title I and uses the schoolwide comprehensive reform model to provide all students with access to services.
Parent/Family Engagement
Currently Title I, Part A defines parent involvement as the ...participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communications with school staff that involves the student, addresses learning and engages the family in school activities.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) refers to this as Parent and Family Engagement starting in 2017-18.
Parent involvement helps to promote academic success! The more involved you are, the more likely your child will give his or her best effort and be successful. Become a member of your child’s School Advisory Council (SAC) and/or Parent – Teacher Organization (PTO); attend Literacy Nights and other special events hosted by your child’s school; and keep the line of communication open between you and your child and between you and your child’s teacher (s). School success takes TEAM WORK! Stay involved!
Research tells us that
Students with engaged parents and families, are more likely to:
- Learn to read faster (Exhibit faster rates of literacy acquisition.)
- Have higher grades and test scores.
- Are promoted and take more challenging classes.
- Adapt better to school and have better attendance.
- Have better social skills and behavior.
- Graduate from high school.
- Go on to community/technical college or university.
School-Parent Compact
Parents' Right to Know
The Parents Right to Know is distributed to the parents or guardians of students attending Title I schools. Parents can be assured that they will be informed of their child’s level of achievement on Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) and other assessments throughout the school year.
- Parents may request:
- Whether a teacher is state certified.
- Whether a teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status.
- The bachelor’s degree major of the teacher and any other graduate degree major or certification.
- Whether a child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
- The process for requesting information:
- Parents, guardians, or the general public may make request, either in writing or verbally, directly to the school or district office.
- The process for providing information:
- Upon receipt of either a verbal or written request, the information will be provided in a timely manner.
- Requested information will be provided in the same manner in which it was received, i.e. email or letter.
School Public Accountability Report (SPAR)
The School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) is available for you to review.~ To request or view a printed copy, please call or visit the main office of your child’s school. Additionally, you may obtain an electronic copy of the report by visiting the following web address:
If you need additional information concerning the SPAR, please call 386-647-4637. Thank you!
El Informe de responsabilidad pública de la escuela (SPAR) está disponible para su revisión. Para solicitar o ver una copia impresa, llame o visite la oficina principal de la escuela de su hijo. Además, puede obtener una copia electrónica del informe visitando la siguiente dirección web:
Si necesita información adicional sobre el SPAR, llame al 386-647-4637. ¡Gracias!
Parent and Family Engagement Plan (2020-2021)
Grant Information
Contact Us
Kecia Robinson, Coordinator - School Improvement/Title I
- Phone Number: (386) 647-4637
- Email Address: kecia.robinson@suwannee.k12.fl.us
Laritta Hunter, Federal Programs Support Specialist
- Phone Number: (386) 647-4615
- Email Address: laritta.hunter@suwannee.k12.fl.us
Catherine Cason, Parent Involvement Liaison
- Phone Number: (386) 647-4624
- Email Address: catherine.cason@suwannee.k12.fl.us