RIVEROAK Technical College (RTC) graduated six patient care technicians (PCT) on May 23, 2017 held on RTC’s campus.
PCT instructor Traci Thompson and RTC Director Mary Keen opened the graduation by welcoming those in the audience. Keen emphasized the importance of PCTs and how vital they are to hospitals and nursing homes. Thompson followed up Keen’s introduction by saying how much she enjoyed this group of students and how proud she is on them and their accomplishments. The graduating students are Jessica Oliver, Jared Clark, Rani Driggers, Beverly Ginn, Carrie Douglass, Stephanie Ovia, Prescilla Wentworth.
Thompson handed out two awards to the graduating students. Oliver won the outstanding academic achievement for the highest grade point average in the class. Clark won the outstanding academic clinical award for receiving the most praise while working at clinical sites this year.