RIVEROAK Technical College (RTC) held its practical nursing graduation on July 12 in the Suwannee High School Auditorium.

Class President Kayla Pennington welcomed everyone in attendance and Tiffany Young, class Secretary, gave the invocation.

Vice President Thomas Redler welcomed the guest speaker to the stage, Kelly Grimes. Grimes is a register nurse and the clinical instructor for RTC.

Following Grimes’ speech the certificates were given out to the graduates.

The 23 graduates are:

John Boatright

Amber Bosik

Kelsi Brickles

Patrica Brinson

Jodi Carter

Laketia Cherry-Williams

Jared Clark

Krystal Craig

Dusti Curl

Candice Davis

Leanne Geiger

Lisa Hicks

Ashlyn Hurst

Kershta Mitchell

Kayla Pennington

Nathan Porcare

Thomas Redler

Cynthia Schiller

Lyric Tillman

Michelle Unterborn

Shayla Weaver

Samantha White

Tiffany Young

Special awards went to the following students:

Clinical award – Tiffany Young

Academic excellence award – Lisa Hicks

Outstanding student – Kershta Mitchell

To see photos from the graduation, click here.