As of 9:30am Tuesday September the 27th, the Suwannee County School District, out of an abundance of caution and consideration for our employees, students, and their families, will be closed Wednesday, September 28, through Friday, September 30, 2022. There will be no after school activities, including athletic events, during this period of closure. Only employees that have been contacted and are scheduled to be on standby, through the District’s Safety Director, Ronnie Gray, for possible shelter operations, need to report to shelter sites, should they be opened. The Suwannee County School District will resume regular operations on Monday, October 3, 2022. Any changes will be communicated prior to Monday.
While working with local emergency management, we have increased optimism that our impact, as of the time of this notice, will not be as severe as believed only 24 hours ago. However, given the unpredictable nature of these types of weather systems, we believe the most responsible action is to close for these dates, understanding that 24 hours from now, conditions and the path of Hurricane Ian could possibly change.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we strive to make the best possible decisions based on the information available at a given time.