Issue 15 of the Buccaneer Drift is now available to read.
Highlights include: Collins, Lloyd, Hernandez win BHS pageant; Derringer, Kelley, Linton, Varga sign to future schools; BHS hosts Ford Drive, Branford hosts SRCF; Students showcase talent in annual art show; BHS Band members place first in Group 352 at state championships; SCSO recovers most of stolen property; Eight track runners advance to regionals; plus a coloring page and games!
Buccaneer Drift Adviser Misty Ward says, "This is an exciting time for the Drift staff. Starting with this issue we are moving up to 12 pages with six in color, from our 8 page paper. The Drift comes out twice a month, with the exception of June and August. Copies of the Buccaneer Drift are available to all students, staff and faculty at BHS and BES, plus copies are available at the Branford Library, Town Hall, RTC, District Office and various businesses in south Suwannee County. If you would like to receive a copy of it and are not in the area, please let me know and we will add you to our distribution list. We are always looking for support via advertising, as well. Thank you for your time, consideration and support of our high school journalists."
To view Issue 15 of the Buccaneer Drift, click here.