6-12 Reading Score Board
The first row indicates the percentage of students that were reading on grade level or higher for the 2016 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA). The green squares indicate an improvement over the 2015 FSA percentage, while a red square indicates a decrease.
The District average from 2015 to 2016 remained constant in reading for grades 3-10.
The baseline progress monitoring assessment shows the percentage of students that entered the grade level already reading at the desired level. This number will increase over time as students' skills increase and they become ready for the FSA in the spring.
The midyear assessment is taken before the end of January for most grade levels. Again, the percentage shows the number of students that are currently reading on grade level for their current grade.
The final assessment of skill in each grade level is the English Language Arts FSA that is given in April. Scores are normally provided to the District by the end of the second week in June.