Branford Elementary School (BES) held a party for fifth grade students on March 29, 2018 in the BES Cafeteria.
According to BES fifth grade teacher Lynsee Dicks, the fifth grade team uses a “BUC” card as a reward program for students who demonstrate positive behavior and responsibility. Students earn stamps on a chart in their agenda for objectives such as completing homework, making good choices, meeting AR goals, attendance, and academic excellence. Those students who earned enough stamps to earn the reward for the nine weeks, got to participate on March 29.
This reward allowed them to attend the robotics activities, provided by Brian Gollery, Tammy Neil, and Keith Stavig. Students had the opportunity to play with multiple gadgets including ozobots, Legos, and other robotic activities.
Fifth grade teacher, Lysnee Dicks, says, “The kids really loved getting ‘plugged in’ to these activities!”
To see photos from the robotics day, click here.